Saturday, January 17, 2009

Life's tough here in Arizona!

This week has been the most amazing weather. It makes me love it here! My kids and I were out a few days ago and decided to wash the van since the weather was too nice to not be out enjoying it. This is not like anything I have ever experienced before. My friends and I decided we can't jog in the afternoons because it is a little too warm, we have to wait until early evening. I think we have had to put jackets on maybe half a dozen times this "winter". I keep thinking I'll miss the snow and all of the fun that goes with it, but it hasn't happened yet. I love being able to go out everyday and play. The zoo is open year round and we are there to check it out year round as well. It does get a little toasty to say the least in the summer, but hey, we have spent the last 2 summers at Nanna and Papa's in Yuma and they have a pool so we have been just fine!!! So far Arizona has won me over!
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LoriAnn Grigg said...

I have a great Idea, Since Arizona is so wonderful why don't you stick around here after Nathaniel graduates?!!! =) I can secretly pray for that you know.

Laurel said...

Well, if Lori is going to pray for you to stay in Arizona, I'll start praying for you to come to Montana. I guess we'll just see who is more righteous. Oh, wait. I bet I'd lose. Maybe we'll just have to see who is biggest:) Sorry, Lori - I win that one!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Remember what happened to Goliath? Size doesn't mean a thing. =) lol