Monday, January 19, 2009

Feelin' young again!

The other day my good friend and I went out jogging in the afternoon. We jog around a 3-mile track that surrounds a golf course and a few other things. We decided to listen to our ipods for a little while since talking was leaving me winded. After a few minutes, I turned to her and dared her to sing to her music as loud as she could. (Now, the track had several other people on it since it is the new year and everyone wants to get in shape.) She agreed and started singing along to her music as loud as she could. I joined with my music as loud as I could. The people on the golf course passed some funny looks in our direction which only made me laugh more. I love finding those kindred spirits that do those things with you that bring a smile to your face and brighten your day. It wasn't anything as crazy as... let's say, jumping out of your second story apartment window onto a pile of mattresses below...but still funny!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Well, I dare the two of you to run like Phoebe did on that episode of friends. You know which one I'm talking about?

By the way...nice background. It's the one of 350 I picked as well - until I realized it's the one you had. I had to change mine. Thanks a lot.