Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Conversations to Remember

On Saturday we had asked the kids to do their chores.  They were complaining about it as usual.  Nathaniel called Eliza, Katelyn, and Nathan into the kitchen to talk to them.  He had all 3 of them on one side of the dishwasher and he was on the other.  He was sick of their griping and wanted to prove a point.
Nathaniel: "Who made breakfast?"
Kids: "Mom did"
Nathaniel: "Who cleaned up breakfast?"
Kids: "Mom did"
Nathaniel: "Who is sweeping right now?"
Kids: "Mom is"
Nathaniel: "Who wiped the counters?"
Kids: "Mom"
Nathaniel: "So who HASN'T done anything around here?"
5 year-old Nathan: "ummm....you?"
I could not stop laughing.  I don't think his point got across.

Today as I picked up the kids from Nancy's after my dentist appointment I had a hard time getting Tanner to stop playing and come to the door.  I was standing in the doorway and Kelsey was sitting on the pumpkins on the front porch area.  Tanner and Isaac came to the door together and as I am talking to Nancy Tanner turns to Isaac and says, "Isaac, put up your hands."  Then he says, "Mom, we have this many more minutes til we have to go."  Meaning his ten and what he had hoped would be Isaac's ten, but he hadn't listened.  It was a good effort and really humorous.

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