Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Day of School

August 8, 2011. Kate is a big Kindergartener and Eliza is in 1st grade.
Now it's just me and the boys all day long. Kindergarten is all day this year. I thought I wouldn't know what to do with myself...I've figured it out alright. Don't get me wrong. I do miss them, but it is so nice to have a little time with just the boys. It makes going out so easy.

I love their faces in this one. Kate is such a riot. (She has not been quite this excited for school every day since.) Eliza is just so pretty. The girls play together at recess and run into each other at lunch and in the bathrooms sometimes. I love that they look out for each other. Eliza told me the first couple of weeks of school that she was trying to help Kate break up with some boy that was in love with her. Kate told me she wasn't going to have a boyfriend because I told her it wasn't the right choice. If only they listened this well to everything I said their teenage years would be soooo easy.

The girls' school is a half a mile away which is really nice. Nathaniel and I have eaten lunch with them a few times each and that has been really fun. I loved it when my Dad would come eat lunch with me. I still remember a few times from back in 3rd grade. He brought those pink snowball things in to me. It was very memorable. I love to see the girls' faces when I walk in. They are excited to see me, but thrilled to see Tanner and Nathan.

Kate's Birthday

Katelyn turned 5 on July 13th. Of course she wanted a swimming party at Nana and Papa's house. We had Nancy and Quentin there to join us with their kids. It's so nice that they have kids the same age and gender as mine. Instant built-in friends. It is just getting cuter as time passes. Here is Kate and Q getting ready to sing.
Blowing out the candles.
Getting every bit of that ice cream from the cone. It reminds me of my grandpa's rule about getting as many refills as you wanted as long as you kept your cone. I would use my finger like Kate is doing to get the ice cream out without compromising the cone.
She wanted cupcakes instead of a cake. I tried to make them somewhat interesting.
Opening presents. She got My Little Ponies. I loved those when I was little. It's funny to see my daughter playing with the same toys I did as a kid.
The cousins gave her dress-up stuff. I'll have to flash back to this picture on her real wedding day. She looks so sweet.
After cake and presents we did some forgotten fireworks in the backyard. The kids had a blast. Both of my Nathaniel's love fireworks.
I didn't know how Tanner would react, but he LOVED them. He was laughing so hard and pointing at them. It was so cute. He's sitting next to his buddy, Isaac.
(Blogger has been shuffling my pictures and I am too lazy to switch them. Here are all of the ladies helping/watching Kate open presents.)
More of the audience watching the fireworks. I love that the little boys are clapping for the show.