Thursday, March 31, 2011

Only in Ely

I love it when I see this guy around town. It makes me laugh! I happened to catch this picture from my front yard.

This is Nathaniel. I guess it only makes sense that I contribute to the blog since my wife puts my name on it. I took this picture, and I am wondering if everyone sees the same humor that I saw. I actually took the picture of the horse, because I watched a guy ride down the main street here in Ely and then hitch the horse to the fence. Then, I noticed the sign with the big, red arrow pointing at the horse. Only in Ely.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday Sweetness

I just bought these suits for my boys while we were over in Utah. They were only $15 and my boys looked so cute, I could have eaten them up. Every time I looked at them I just wanted to squeeze them. So adorable! I wish I would have done it years ago.
Now Nathan looks even more like his Daddy. Nathaniel has a suit almost identical to this one, but with a suit coat.

This is the picture of them getting ready for the picture. I love the look on Eliza's face. Tanner is hating the situation and we couldn't get Nathan to scoot closer.

Still not quite there.
Just about perfect. It was time I changed the blog photo. That last one was taken a year ago. I haven't liked anything to replace it yet. This will have to do. They look pretty darn cute!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I remember once in college my roommate shushed me and my sister as she was watching a movie and we were laughing. I did not take it very well and it became a joke of ours that you should never shush an adult...
Today while Nathaniel was home for his lunch break I did the fit test for Insanity. He had already done the test earlier this morning. He was sitting on the couch writing my numbers done and encouraging me with, "That's a good pace" or "You got this, Babe!" or "Good form" get the idea. He knows that I am a words of affirmation person. He was trying to help me do the best I could on the test. Just for the record, he is the best husband in the world. I, on the other hand, was not the best wife today. As he is encouraging me, I am counting the number of suicide jumps I am doing. For some reason his encouragement was throwing me off and I was not able to concentrate and push through like I wanted to. I was getting really tired and worn out and I shushed my husband. Who does that? I immediately felt horrible. I was frustrated with the workout not him, but he took the brunt of it. So not fair. I apologized repeatedly, but I still feel horrible. I don't think he will ever try to encourage me again for fear of being shushed. I'm just glad that he is forgiving. He said it was no big deal. If he would have done that to me, I would have cried. Thank goodness he doesn't have feelings like a girl.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Look

Juner's new thing is wearing Daddy's shirts. It started when he was scared at night and didn't want to go to bed. Nathaniel gave him his shirt and told him he wouldn't be scared with it on. He has had to wear one to bed and naps the last two days. I think it is so cute. He tried to get Nathaniel's work shirt off of his back today for his nap, but they settled on this one instead.

Playin' With the Camera

My girls always want to take pictures. I have let them play around with it lately and they do quite well. They did most of the no-bake pictures as well (which you could probably tell).
That polka dot thing on my lap is my rice sock. I warm it up several times a day and carry it around with me.

Makin' No-Bakes Family Style

I've had this craving for no-bakes lately. Nathaniel made a batch on Sunday and had everyone help him.

This is proof that Kate's hair is done sometimes.

A Little of Tan

I absolutely adore this little stinker. Even when he cries he is cute.
He lights up my days with those eyes and that smile.

Stake Conference

We call this one "Stake Conference"