Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bossy Tanner

I remember when my niece Callie was a baby and my sisters and I used to pretend she was talking by making up different voices and trying to guess what she would say if she could talk. We would gauge it by facial expressions and what was going on around her. I do the same thing with Tanner now as I have with my other kids. It makes my kids laugh and they say, "What else is Tanner saying?" If you have ever been around Tanner and Katelyn at the same time you know that Kate cannot give Tanner ANY kind of space. The only air he breathes is the air coming out of her since she is literally in his face at all times, usually yelling, "YOU'RE THE CUTIE! YES YOU ARE, TAN! YOU'RE THE CUTIE, FOREVER!" It is great that she loves him, but she only has one volume, LOUD! So, as you can imagine, it gets old fast. This morning as she was going about her usual routine I picked up Tanner and spoke as if I were him and said, "I need some space, could you please leave me alone." Katelyn stopped and backed up. She was quiet for a few seconds and then said, "Tanner's so bossy!" I couldn't stop laughing. She really blamed him for saying it. I could get away with a lot speaking through him...
See what I mean?
(And just on a side note: Katelyn does wear normal clothes and has her hair done at least SOME of the time. She put that headband on Tanner and I couldn't bring myself to take it off before the picture. Here she was talking to her cousin, Lexi, on the phone. When did she get old enough to have her own phone conversations?)


Brynn said...

What a BEAUTIFUL baby! Yeah Neve is the same way, she only has one volume lately. It is lovely at church.

Joanna said...

Miss you busy lady! Hope your doing well. Love you! Jo