Monday, June 14, 2010


Last night I was talking to Nathaniel about what next month's goal should be for me. This month my goal is to get in 50 miles. I have 3 miles left. I know it isn't much, but it's a start and you have to start somewhere. I really want to get into good exercise habits so I figured this goal would get me out there and doing something in the right direction. It has. Nancy and I ran together 4 days while I was in Yuma. I have been running at 6 a.m. with a friend or two every Mon, Wed, and Fri for the past couple of weeks here.
So, back to last night. I was debating between my goal being 55 or 60 miles. Then I thought I shouldn't do a total mileage goal but an endurance goal. I decided that I wanted to get back up to 6 miles by July 16th. I was going to try to push myself to 4 miles starting today.
This morning as I was getting my shoes on I got a text from my friend saying she wasn't going to be able to run with me. I have always loved running with friends because I enjoy it so much more and I don't get bored as quickly. It makes jogging more than exercise, it becomes a social and emotional outlet. We talk and laugh and vent to each other and walk away feeling physically and emotionally refreshed. It's a fantastic way to spend time together. Very productive. I decided I was still going running, of course, and that I would still try to go for 4 miles rather than the 3 I normally do. I started running with only one earbud in so that I would be able to hear things going on around me (you know, safety first). It was really killing my run though. I happened to be listening to the song "Stronger" by Brittney Spears (laugh all you want ladies, I know I'm not the only one out there to listen to that song while working out!). As soon as I put the other earbud in I felt this surge of energy. I was now in "the zone" and I thought, I can do this today! I could do 6 miles. I feel it. And I did! Looks like I need a different goal for next month.


Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

I wish you lived here so I had someone to do things like that with!!!!!!

Chelsea Pike said...

That is the song that I hit when I am exactly one mile into my run. I sing aloud with it and get looks from drivers and other runners but I love that feeling from that particular song. Keep up the good work.

LoriAnn Grigg said...

LOL, remember when you dared me to sing out loud to my music and I totally did! Good running times. What will I do when you move? I know what you mean about how cool it is to accomplish goals even when you are by yourself. When I ran the 10 by myself I felt unstoppable. Way to go Tennille.