Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hard to Top That!

Benny and Christina gave me the best birthday present this morning...a new niece!!! Nathaniel had run to the store early this morning to get me flowers and was busy making breakfast in bed for me when I came out of our room to tell him the news. He said it'd be really hard to top that gift and to thank you guys for stealing his thunder. We are so excited for you guys and your new daughter. Thanks, Christina, for hanging in there for 3 days of labor just to get her here on my birthday! I was starting to feel a little slighted because Bri has a couple nephews born on her birthday and everyone loves Bri best. Watch out Bri, the tables are starting to turn!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Our family had a getaway trip to Montana for a week at the beginning of this month. We flew up from a tiny little airport in Phoenix/Mesa that left at 6 a.m. We had to leave our house at 2:45 in the morning and anyone that knows my children know they lack the sleep-in-the-car gene. I don't know how they missed out on that one, but it makes traveling a real pain in the neck. Luckily on this occasion they were angels. I don't know if they sensed my excitement or it was an answer to my prayers, but they were laughing and playing the whole way up there. They did great on the airplane. I sat by the girls and they thought it was fun during take off to see things getting smaller and smaller. Kate kept yelling, "we're flying!" Once we were above the clouds I don't think she understood anymore because she would say, "Are we going to fly again?" We landed around 9 a.m. (it's only a 2 hour flight but the time change made it an hour later) and my brother-in-law Kirk and nephew Dallin picked us up and dropped us off at my parents church building. My Dad is the Bishop of a Young Single Adult Ward. I was surprised how well the kids did during Sacrament considering they had been up since 2:30 in the morning. My Mom had a stack of sticky notes with her and she handed them to Eliza with a pen. Eliza turns to her and says, "Do you have any paint supplies?" I just have to laugh at how her creative little minds works. She spent the whole Sacrament meeting scribbling and posting the notes all over the back of the bench in front of her. I loved to see my parents in their ward interacting with the kids.
We lucked out and were handed a car when we got there. Richards always have more vehicles than drivers which has turned out to be handy time and time again. My generous brother, Tanner, lent us his Impala since he had his truck he could drive. It was so nice to be able to come and go all around town to visit my family. Marlayne and her family, Laurel and her family, Ben and his wife, Tanner and my parents all live up in Billings. It was so fun to see everyone. We had the most wonderful Sunday dinner together. I got to have some fruit from my Aunt and Uncle's farm that I grew up eating. I had remembered that it was above and beyond anything the store sells, but I had forgotten just how delightful it was. I couldn't stop eating all week. What a treat! Nathaniel was teasing me because I kept telling him how wonderful it was. We spent the week visiting Marlayne or Laurel during the day while Mom worked and then spending time with Mom and Dad at night. I just loved every minute there. It was so relaxing and refreshing I just tried to soak it all in and bottle it up to bring back down here. The weather was so nice. We even wore our jackets (not that anyone else needed to) when we would go out in the morning. The kids LOVED the space up there. My parents have 10 acres and the kids would spend hours playing out there. I loved the slower pace and open space. I didn't have to worry about a constant vigilant eye. I could check on them every now and then, but they had so much freedom that we both were in heaven. Here is Nathaniel pushing Kate on the swings at Marlayne's house. Look at that fabulous grass. How I miss grass!Ashlyn was so great! She is my niece and Eliza has always loved her. She called her "my buddy" the whole time we were there. Ashlyn is at least 4 years older than Eliza, but she would dress the girls up or go outside and play with them. I just love that girl. What a sport she is! Look at how cute they are... I know, the hair on Eliza is hilarious!

Grandpa Nate and Nathan. I love to see my parents interacting with my kids. There is something so sweet about it.
The first day we were there Eliza was going non-stop. She didn't take a nap when we got to my parents house, so at about 5:30 that night, she was playing with some cousins and just reached her limit of awake time. She ended up curled on Daddy's lap and fell asleep! That is a once in her lifetime thing. She slept though the night and at 5:45 the next morning (4:45 our time) she was wide awake. She told my Mom I had gone in her room and woken her up and wouldn't let her go back to sleep. Where does she come up with this stuff?
Here is Uncle Tanner with the kids outside on the porch swing. I just love that kid. He has always had a spot in my heart that I just can't get enough of him. It was so fun to see him. (You need a porch swing if you live on land like my parents. It is so calm and peaceful that I would go out there several times a day and just sit and swing. I loved every minute of it!)
I will post more pictures and the rest of the vacation soon, my children need my attention...back to reality!

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Name

We are going to name him Fred Archibald Sorenson...says my husband, I want to name him Jaxon or Jacob with middle name up for debate. Fred is Nathaniel's grandpa's name and Archibald is my grandpa's name so Nathaniel is set on that. What do you think?

Bubba's Getting a Buddy!

We had our ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy! When the technician told us I said, "Did you hear that? We are going to have a boy!" Bubba gave this sly chuckle as if to say, "I knew that, my partner in crime is on his way!" Eliza instantly said, "That's not fair!" She recovered quickly and on the way out when I gave her a hug and asked her if she was excited to get another baby brother she reluctantly said yes. I think she'll be in love with him as soon as she meets him. Kate kept saying, "I see the eyes!" Which she couldn't because that wasn't the part of the body being measured and examined, but it was cute that she was into it. I didn't care either way what we had, but as soon as she told us it was a boy it seemed perfect. I love that Eliza and Kate have each other and I am happy Nathan will have a buddy, too. Everything looks perfect and my date is still set for Jan. 22. Half way done, we are excited!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Cute Pictures

This is when we were in Yuma at the new public pool. Nathaniel participated in an Alumni Swim Meet (that I will post about later) and we all went to watch. The kids were so cute so I snapped a few shots of the girls. Eliza is getting so big so fast. We had the missionaries over for dinner the other night and one asked how old Eliza was. We told him she was 4. He said, "She's 4? She talks like she's 9!"This one captures Kate well. She is such a sweet girl and I just want to squeeze her when I see how adorable she is in this picture.
This one also captures Bubba well lately. He is getting his molars in and has discovered how to throw a tantrum. I also had to post it because the white hair bow that is around his neck is hilarious. Nathan used to find it wherever it was and would put it on like a necklace. It was ALWAYS on him and he looks like a chip and dale dancer when he is only in his diaper and it was disturbing to Nathaniel. I thought it was really funny, but I ended up hiding it for Nathaniel's sake. He looks for headbands, string, or anything else that can go around his neck and puts them all on at once. Here he is with 4 random things he has found. The blue and white things are binoculars we made in preschool so I had to make him a pair, too.
My happy little helper. He is so cute. He put it on because he could pull it over his head and I was in the kitchen working so he wanted to be in there as well. He is like my shadow. I'm going to miss my little buddy when he gets over that stage.


For about the last month and a half I have been doing preschool with my girls. It has been a really great time for them and for me. I love using the preschool training and experience I have on my own little ones. Who better, right? It is nice when I put forth the time and effort to see them get excited for our activities. Here we are making bugs out of Ritz crackers, cream cheese, stick pretzels, and raisins. Those things individually my children don't eat, but call it an insect and Wallah! They eat them up and ask for more.
We have had some fun weeks about bugs and insects, pets, alphabet and numbers, and we even had a cookie day. I am hoping to get a group together from playgroup that we could go on field trips with so the girls are getting those experiences in as well. I decided I wanted to teach them myself because Headstart was just not sitting well with me. Eliza was accepted at Headstart, but I didn't feel right about it. I taught Headstart in Utah, but it was very different. There was a 1:5 ratio teacher to child and here it is 1:10. Here at home it is 1:2 since I do it when Nathan is sleeping. I like those odds better. Headstart was also 15 hours a week and there was no need for her to be gone that long. I also decided that since they have 2 playgroups a week and a ballet class starting in 2 weeks they aren't home bodies so they should be okay socially. I was a little concerned about how Eliza would take to me as her teacher since she would love to "go" to preschool. She and I are so much alike that at times we butt heads. This has been so great for both of us. I think part of that has to do with the different ways people perceive love. (You know, from the book the Five Love Languages.) Preschool hits all 5 of them even if only in small ways. This gives us more times together, more words of affirmation, and more quality conversation during our craft, snack, and free play. It does sometimes allow for the gift giving in small doses when I give them a special treat that has to do with the lesson and of course the physical touch is also met because she is here with me so I can hug her when she does well or let her sit on my lap, etc. Overall, I think this is such a great thing and I am SO happy to have 2 close together so it feels more like a class. They love playing together and laughing at each other when we do silly things. They still have to learn to share and cooperate so I couldn't be happier with the two of them.
Today after preschool we were talking about elementary school and how the children eat their lunches at school. Eliza loves to pretend so for lunch I had them bring their "tray" to me and I put their "ham and cheese melt" on it. Eliza thought it was so fun that she asked if she could call me the lunch lady. I just laughed because I have never wanted to be called a lunch lady (if you have seen Adam Sandler do his lunch lady impression you will know why), but when it is for your daughter I told her of course she could. So, while she prayed over lunch, she prayed that the lunch lady would be healthy and strong. I was laughing a little and when Eliza finished the prayer Kate asked me, "Why were you laughing?" How could I not be? Her imagination becomes almost real to her. Sounds just like me when I was a kid.