Monday, January 26, 2009

Perfect! My Mom isn't watching...

The cookie really is just the vehicle that gets the sprinkles into your mouth, right? At least that's the way kids see it. I mean, what's better than straight sugar! Kate just took the shortcut and took the cookie out of the equation! I am glad Lori took this picture because I didn't see it firsthand. What a cutie!!!
(I know this picture is outdated, but I just downloaded it from my friend and had to put it on my blog. It really is a shame she missed out on the cookie because they are the best! Richards' secret family recipe!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I did it! 6 miles!!!

I know it may not be that big of an accomplishment for some of you, but for me this was really big. I have never been a jogger, so when I finished my second lap around the course tonight I was pretty stoked! Hooray for me!!! Too bad there was no one there to witness it or celebrate it with me, but it still did happen...I promise!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Feelin' young again!

The other day my good friend and I went out jogging in the afternoon. We jog around a 3-mile track that surrounds a golf course and a few other things. We decided to listen to our ipods for a little while since talking was leaving me winded. After a few minutes, I turned to her and dared her to sing to her music as loud as she could. (Now, the track had several other people on it since it is the new year and everyone wants to get in shape.) She agreed and started singing along to her music as loud as she could. I joined with my music as loud as I could. The people on the golf course passed some funny looks in our direction which only made me laugh more. I love finding those kindred spirits that do those things with you that bring a smile to your face and brighten your day. It wasn't anything as crazy as... let's say, jumping out of your second story apartment window onto a pile of mattresses below...but still funny!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Life's tough here in Arizona!

This week has been the most amazing weather. It makes me love it here! My kids and I were out a few days ago and decided to wash the van since the weather was too nice to not be out enjoying it. This is not like anything I have ever experienced before. My friends and I decided we can't jog in the afternoons because it is a little too warm, we have to wait until early evening. I think we have had to put jackets on maybe half a dozen times this "winter". I keep thinking I'll miss the snow and all of the fun that goes with it, but it hasn't happened yet. I love being able to go out everyday and play. The zoo is open year round and we are there to check it out year round as well. It does get a little toasty to say the least in the summer, but hey, we have spent the last 2 summers at Nanna and Papa's in Yuma and they have a pool so we have been just fine!!! So far Arizona has won me over!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Best Buddies!

One thing I love about my kids is how much fun they have together. The other day Eliza woke up both of her siblings from their naps so she would have someone to play with (I don't love the waking them up part, but I did love the fact that they are friends and she couldn't wait another minute to play with them). I thought the excitement of baby around the house would wear off...boy, was I off! Kate and Liza still follow him around and fight over who gets to pick up the toy he dropped for who gets to hold him. (He's almost their size! How can you hold him?) The phrases "give him space" or "back up (sometimes back off!)" are used frequently for his sake. I do love it though. I always wanted lots of kids and hoped they would be good friends. Looks like our plan is working!

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Poopin' help"

Kate was so funny yesterday. She has the best facial expressions. I have a cold and I was reading a story to the girls at bedtime. There's a part that says "Help! Help! Who can help?" Kate starts laughing and I didn't know why. She repeats, "Poopin' help!" and giggles to herself. She couldn't understand what I had said because of my cold. It must have been pretty funny to her to have her mom saying "poopin' help" over and over again. With little ones around, that's the only help I get from them! It's a darn good thing they are so cute! At least there are only 2 in diapers (I had 3 for a little while when Nathan was born)!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm trying to play catch-up

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am the WORST person ever when it comes to developing pictures. I am hoping this will help me to keep things up to date for those who don't get to see us very often (especially my family). Kate is on the left, then the Nathaniel's, and Eliza on the right (the description is for you Laurel since it has been so long since I have been home! Just Kidding!!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I hope they call me on a mission...

Isn't my Bubba so handsome? His little smile is priceless. I'm lucky because I am his mother and I get to see it the most! He has his Daddy's good looks and his Mommy's chubby cheeks. Hopefully we will be able to download some pictures of my little girls soon so they don't feel slighted. I just had to show these because he is so cute I could eat his up! He is already so big. He will be 9 months on the 20th of Jan. and he has been crawling around for a month or so. Today he pulled himself up on the crib and was standing there waiting for me to get him up from nap. My little guy is getting so big. He's the best looking boy I've ever seen (next to his Dad!!!).