Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kate's 7th Birthday!

Kate, today you turned 7.  Although I can't believe you are 7 already on one hand, on the other I can't believe you are only 7.  It seems like you have been with me for far longer than that.  You are my sweet girl.  You were from the start.  I remember I called you my angel baby.  You were not demanding or high maintenance.  You would patiently wait to be fed, held, rocked, or put to bed.  That was very nice of you since Eliza was just 13 months and 9 days old when you were born.  She didn't even take her first steps until we brought you home from the hospital.  It would have been really hard on me if you were a stinker...but you weren't.  I remember working in the office of the storage facility and you would sit in the swing while I worked, or you would hang out with me in the carseat while I swept units.  You were just a good baby.
You have always been funny.  Not that you try to be funny, you just are naturally.  I always smile when I am around you (...okay, not ALWAYS.  You and Nathan love to push each others buttons lately and it doesn't make me smile).  You also play along with me when I tease you or do crazy things.  I love to get a good laugh out of you.  I'm glad you have a good sense of humor.
You are my peacemaker (for the most part).  My reality check.  My calming sense.  When I start to get frustrated with one of the kids you try to work extra hard or compliment me or go out of your way to give me a hug so I am happy again.  When a certain nameless sister complains about what we are having for dinner (AGAIN) and I start to sigh because I am so sick of the whining and complaining, you will say how yummy it is and thanks for making it.  I know sometimes you don't even really like it, but you will eat it and sometimes even ask for more to make me feel better and make me smile.  You are very sensitive like that.  I hope you always are.  I love that about you.
I love that you try new things.  The other kids always ask you to open things because they know that no matter what it is, Kate can open it or will keep trying until she figures it out.  Popsicles, water bottles, toys, etc.  You are the go to girl.  You aren't scared to try something new.  That is a great thing in life.  There are a lot of things I wish I would have tried to do earlier in life, but I didn't.  Maybe I was scared.  Maybe I didn't want to fail.  But you, you try anyway.  You'll go far kid.
You have the spunkiest taste in clothes.  You will pick out things that I would never put together and somehow you pull it off.  I am amazed with things you pull out of your drawers and wear.  You obviously didn't get that from me.  I have no fashion sense what-so-ever.  It is so fun to see that side of you.  And you love to do your own hair.  Sometimes I want to take it out and smooth it out a bit, but I rarely do.  I love how you figured it out on your own.
You are a good friend.  You are a good dancer.  You are good at writing and drawing.  You are very creative when you play.  You go to bed well (when you don't have your sister with you that is).  You are a good sister, especially to Kelsey.  You are always helping to buckle her up for me.  I love a good helper.
You have been so good about trying this gluten free thing out for a while.  You haven't complained about missing out on things or wanting to eat you favorite mac-n-cheese.  I really appreciate it.  What a trooper you have been.  I'm not even convinced that removing gluten is the solution to your tummy aches, but thanks for going along with it just to be sure.  Thanks for trusting me.
Today we spent some time together, just you and me.  We went and bought your present, went to lunch, and watched the new Monsters University movie.  I had so much fun with you.  During the movie you snuggled up to me and said you loved me and you were glad we got to go together.  I was in heaven.  I love those moments with you.  Moments like yesterday as we read Winn-Dixie together in my bed and you moved in closer and snuggled up to me and said "Mom I love to snuggle with you.  I love you."  Being your mom is absolutely one of my favorite things ever.  Thanks for letting me be YOUR mom.  I hope we are always close and good friends.