Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nathaniel turns 30!

(June 15th for the record) Nathaniel finally turned 30! It's about time he joined me. I felt like such an old lady when I was past 30 and my husband was still in his 20's. I had the kids help me write 30 reasons why we love him and then put a Hershey kiss with each reason on our bed. It was there waiting for him when he came home from morning basketball.
He had been saying for a little while that he had wanted to make both a cheesecake and a chocolate torte for some time, so I did for his birthday. We love the torte, the cheesecake we still need to work on. We met at Nancy and Quentin's for dessert since they had more room than our apartment.
We went swimming, but I don't think it was actually on the 15th that we did. It was probably that weekend. Nathaniel loves taking the kids off the diving board with him.

I love goggles on little kids with chubby cheeks.
Tanner even got a turn.
Luckily he took it well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eliza's Birthday and Graduation

These two pictures are backwards (obviously). Eliza's birthday was June 4th. She picked out her own present. She picked out a Tangled toy that she never uses. I'll be picking out her present next year. Lesson learned. I love the look on Kate's face below. It looks like she is dreaming about her own upcoming birthday and the treasures she will get.
We went to the castle park with the cousins and they brought her a present.

It's the Tangled wig and she LOVED it. She always was using other things for her hair so when Nancy saw this she knew it was the perfect gift.
Birthday girl with the pizza face and chocolate cake.
She didn't want anything fancy, just a plain normal cake. Easy enough.
She and Daddy made it together.
Eliza at kindergarten graduation with her teacher off to the side. It was easy to spot her since I had put a pink hair flower in her hair.
Daddy and the grad (I think kinder grad is a little ridiculous, but of course we went and supported ours just as well.)
Mommy and Liza
Me kissing the girl
Eliza and the principal.
We'll take another one of these in 12 years at her high school graduation.