Friday, December 11, 2009

Nothing Gets By Her

Tonight I told Nathaniel we should get a movie from Red Box. Eliza said, "But Mom, you said you hate Red Box." I told her I did not remember saying that. She said, "You did Mom, I know you did." I told her I didn't think I would say that because I don't hate Red Box. She said, "Remember last time we got that Santa movie and it was broken and you said 'See, that's why I hate Red Box!'" Nathaniel and I started laughing and he said, "I am with her, I can totally see you saying that." I have to admit, she was right, that sounds exactly like something I would say. Nothing gets by her. Anything said in this house goes into her little vault of a mind and is locked in to be recovered and any given moment. I sure do love that girl.